Investors | BITmarkets
BITmarkets | Newbie
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Investor type


Newbie has no prior knowledge or experience with cryptocurrencies yet is eager to learn and invest. He is also vulnerable to hypes, not aware of potential risks. His initial success depends on the timing of the cycle when he gets to know cryptocurrencies. Crypto market usually lure newbies in the late phases of the bull cycle, when they can experience early success, but may face the downturn, losses and frustration when market tops out. Proper research and risk management though, should help survive turbulent periods and bring long-term success.

Typical character is:
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Favorite coins
Samples of Newbie’s portfolio
Why is BITmarkets the right choice for Newbies?
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Intuitive Trading platform
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Simple-to-use Mobile App
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Education including Cryptopedia
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Local Support 24/7
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Hundreds of trading pairs
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Personal communication with account manager
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Quick registration
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Regular Analysis
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Easy Deposit & Withdrawal
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In-depth Market Trends
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BITmarkets Academy
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Risk Warning:
Characters and portfolios are fictional. In any case not to be deemed investment advice.