Investor type
Analyst understands macroeconomic principles and is able to analyze market data and trends. His systematic and disciplined approach makes it easier for him to control his emotions and patiently wait for his trade setup to play out. He makes decisions based mostly on technical analysis with proper risk-management applied. Tradingview is his favorite “social network”.
Analyst portfolio is a diversified selection of well-established market leaders (BTC, ETH, MATIC) as well as those showing potential for future growth. It is a mixture of DeFi (AAVE), innovative blockchains with a strong development team and enthusiastic community behind them (ATOM, OP, NEAR) and emerging project from the AI category (OCEAN). Portfolio is perfectly tailored to analyst's specific investment strategy, risk tolerance and market outlook.

The second analyst divided his investment into 3 categories consisting of 2 coins. In the first - conservative part of the portfolio are 2 largest cryptocurrencies. Second category is combination of 2 well-known innovative blockchains aiming to disrupt cryptocurrency space with their own approach. Cardano's infinite scalability and Polkadot's interoperability might help the project, thus also the analyst, to win in the long term.

The analyst builds his portfolio on the idea that users are what matters in long term success. While picking up projects he took into account the activity in project's GIThub, thus the speed of development, the amount of apps being built on said blockchain, the number of bridges with other blockchains, the interoperability and the ease of use. All of them might thrive in a proper bull market.