How to buy Cardano (ADA)

If you've decided to buy the Cardano cryptocurrency, you might be wondering where to purchase it. Cardano is a cryptocurrency, meaning it can be exchanged for another currency of equivalent value. Since Cardano is a digital asset, it cannot be physically exchanged the way traditional currencies are. Hence, online exchanges—like BITmarkets—are where Cardano can be purchased.


How to buy Cardano on BITmarkets?

First, create a free account on the BITmarkets website by providing your personal details and email address to gain access to our platform, where Cardano and other cryptocurrencies can be bought and sold. Next, provide your residential address details and verify your identity. This is common practice for services that involve money handling. If you need help, you may watch our tutorial video on how to verify your documents, or you may reach out to our customer support team. Once your account has been successfully verified, you may deposit funds in a fiat currency (USD, EUR, etc.) and buy Cardano immediately.

What is the price of Cardano?

Cardano emerged in 2017 and initially struggled to establish its presence. However, in 2021, its value soared by 700% to more than 3 USD. Currently, its price has dropped back below 1 USD, which might represent a favorable opportunity for purchase before another possible increase. Like Bitcoin, Cardano has a capped total supply, which means it isn't susceptible to inflation or devaluation like traditional fiat currencies. This could potentially lead to an increase in its value in the future.

You have bought some Cardano. What’s next?

Once you’ve purchased your desired amount of Cardano, it’s now up to you what to do next. You can either store it safely in your BITmarkets wallet for long-term investment, transfer it to another wallet, or use the funds to generate profits by trading cryptocurrencies. For tips and tutorials, visit our education portal and learn more about the ins & outs of crypto trading.

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