Restriktivní jurisdikce | BITmarket

Restriktivní jurisdikce

The services provided by BITmarkets are neither offered nor available to citizens or nationals of or resident of any of the jurisdictions by reason of comprehensive sanctions by international organizations, political instability, or strict local financial regulations. Further, BITmarkets does not offer its services to any sanctioned individuals or entities.

Afghanistan, Canada, China, Cuba, Israel, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Korea (the Democratic People’s Republic of), Myanmar, Palestine, Russia, Singapore, Syria, Russian-controlled regions of Ukraine such as Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk regions, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America.

To our clients, please notify us immediately if you become a resident of any of the restricted jurisdictions mentioned above or if you become aware of any Users residing in these jurisdictions. 

If the Company finds that you have misrepresented your place of residence, you hereby understand and accept that the Company reserves the right to take necessary actions, such as the immediate closure of your Account and liquidation of any open positions in accordance with the Company policies or applicable laws.

Please note that the list of restricted jurisdictions may be updated periodically without prior notice.

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